Moving day in Bernardsville, NJ, symbolizes the beginning of an exciting new chapter. With its charming landscapes and vibrant community, it’s no wonder many choose to call it home. To make this transition as seamless as possible, Fahey Realtors has compiled an essential moving day checklist. From early preparations to settling in, we cover all you need for a successful move to Bernardsville.

Start Early: The Packing Strategy

The key to a stress-free move is beginning your preparations weeks in advance. Start by packing non-essential items and seasonal belongings. Clearly label each box with its contents and designated room in your new Bernardsville home, making unpacking a breeze.

Choosing Professional Movers

Bernardsville’s picturesque streets await, but ensuring your belongings arrive safely is paramount. Selecting reputable movers is crucial. Fahey Realtors offers recommendations for trusted moving companies in Bernardsville, ensuring your possessions are in good hands.

Essentials Kit: Day-One Survival

Your first night in your new Bernardsville home shouldn’t be spent searching for toiletries or bed linens. Pack an essentials kit with everything you need for the first 24 hours, including snacks, clothes, and any personal items you can’t do without. This kit should be easily accessible throughout your move.

Utilities and Services Update

A smooth transition involves more than just moving boxes. Arrange for your utilities and services to be connected at your new Bernardsville residence ahead of time. Don’t forget to cancel or transfer services from your old address to avoid any last-minute hitches.

Address Updates: Stay Connected

Updating your address is a critical step in the moving process. Ensure that banks, subscription services, and government agencies are informed of your move to Bernardsville. This step prevents any disruption in services or important communications.

Schools and Medical Records Transfer

For families moving to Bernardsville, transferring school and medical records is essential. Research and reach out to local schools and healthcare providers well in advance to ensure a smooth transition for your entire family.

The Final Walkthrough: A Pre-Move Visit

Before moving day, conduct a final walkthrough of your new Bernardsville home. This visit allows you to verify that everything is in order and plan the placement of your furniture and belongings. It’s also an excellent opportunity to measure spaces if you haven’t already.

Welcome to Bernardsville: Settling In

Once the moving trucks have departed, take the time to introduce yourself to your neighbors and explore what Bernardsville has to offer. From community events to local eateries and parks, immersing yourself in your new surroundings is the final step in truly making Bernardsville your home.


Moving to Bernardsville, NJ, offers an unparalleled opportunity to enhance your lifestyle. With the right preparation and support from Fahey Realtors, your moving day can be a smooth and enjoyable experience. Our comprehensive checklist ensures you’ve covered all bases, from packing strategies to settling into your new community.

Looking forward to your move to Bernardsville? Fahey Realtors is here to assist every step of the way. Our expertise in the Bernardsville real estate market ensures you have all the insights and support you need for a flawless transition.

Contact Fahey Realtors today to learn more about how we can make your moving day mastery in Bernardsville, NJ, a reality.